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My dad collected this in one of the great agate and fossil sites somewhere around the Henry Mountains. The reason there is so much good material around the Henrys is that they are a late blooming igneous laccolith that has punched through the surrounding Colorado Plateau sedimentary formations ... the same formations that have yielded Yellow Cat wood, agatized barites, and dinosaur bone ... and tilted many of them up to expose the formations in deep canyons.


This chunk could be both a great specimen and a great "slab and cab" rock for lapidarists. The exterior grain and color would look good on any bookshelf.


I often remind people that "I'm not a great rockhound. That was my dad." I inherited all these rocks that my dad spent half a century collecting (mainly) from the Utah deserts. A few years ago, I had to ask myself seriously, "What am I going to do with all these rocks?" KinesavaROCKS was my answer.


But  both because I'm not a great rockhound, and because I've learned that the value and availability of rocks is very dynamic, I scan the online sales whenever I list rocks just to get an idea about what they're worth. In this case, except for rocks from China (and that is a whole 'nother story), I literally could not find one like this offered for less than about$20. So that's what I'm charging for this one.


If you're interested in more rocks, you can save a few dollars by combining several items into the same custom order.  There will be just one shipping charge in a cost-effective USPS flat rate padded envelope. Send a message before ordering so we can set up the order. I do a lot of my business through custom orders and I love to work with people to get just the right rocks you're looking for.


"Henry Mountain" Petrified Wood

Out of Stock

    This will be shipped in a USPS "flat rate" padded envelope at the USPS  shipping charge of $10.60. You can save money on shipping by ordering several items together so you only pay one shipping charge. Or, to set up a custom order, just send me a message and I'll take it from there.

©2022 by KinesavaROCKS

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