Ken and I worked together to get some really big Nevada Lovelock Jasper up to his shop in Oregon!
I can hardly wait for Ken to get some things made from this rock.

I was able to fit this monster into a USPS medium flat rate box (with a little grinding on some rock that was sticking out). But you should have seen the poison arrow looks I got from the postmaster when I mailed it.
This is worth a note here because, traditionally, I haven't been able to sell my bigger rocks. I have now checked into that. Shipping is Ex-Pen-Sive. Don't get me started on that. Why can Walmart ship a 50 pound bag of dog food to my door "free" but it would cost me as much as an aircraft carrier to do the same thing? FedEx, for example, quoted $182.91 to ship 50 lbs to Ken. This package would have cost $30.70. Ken only paid USPS $17.10. If you want to message about it, send one to me.
----------- Update ----------------------------------
Ken finished cutting that rock right down the middle. Here's the result.
Lovelock Jasper just doesn't look like that on the outside. Since I had to put a good bit of work into making it fit into a medium box, I became quite familiar with what the outside looked like. Not like this! The other Ken -- Ken of Pennsylvania -- had exactly the same luck and you can see what his stuff looked like after slicing here too.