I've been sending out a lot of $10 packages of Idaho Garnets. I don't know if people are attracted to the low price or the gem quality reputation of Idaho Garnets ... but I'm counting it as a success. But (except for the pictures in the blog that Miley and I co-wrote -- See https://www.kinesavarocks.com/post/garnets-a-star-in-the-east ) nobody has sent back pictures!
Ah gotta tell you folks! Sometimes I include free rocks in my packages. If you don't send back pictures, the rock turns into a lump of coal. Magic !!!
Except for Ken!
I just received some great pictures of Idaho Garnets that Ken polished. Most are clear, transparent gems but Ken wrote,"I can see one maybe star if light hits it just right." Miley got just one with a star too. From everything I see on the web, it's difficult. You have to position the dome of the cab just right to get a good star even if the rock can display one